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Carol's Car Hire

We are hooked on quality

Chat on WhatsApp 263774318399 Chat on WhatsApp

Exclusive Classics

Vintage Cars for Hire

Chat on WhatsApp 2637775766394 Chat on WhatsApp

Jay Events

PA Hiring, Sales & Video Filming

Chat on WhatsApp 263774753243 Chat on WhatsApp

Merchant Couriers

We Deliver With Speed

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car rental/hire services

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Pat's Events Management & Car hire Zimbabwe

All under one roof for your, Decor, Catering,Car hire,Sound System, Video Filming,Mc,...if you haven't tried us ,you haven't tried thr best...

Chat on WhatsApp 263776252657 Chat on WhatsApp

Presley Car Rentals

Life is an adventure, explore it in the comfort zone

Chat on WhatsApp 263772546880 Chat on WhatsApp

Sam's Limousines, Gardens & Accomodation

Luxury cars, limousines & gardens for hire

Chat on WhatsApp 263772869324 Chat on WhatsApp

Swiss Rent-a-car

We Are A Car Rental And Tours Company With Super Cheap Rental Fees And The Best Cars

Chat on WhatsApp 263718931099 Chat on WhatsApp

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