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Welcome to NiftyPlanr Wedding Directory
Are You Vendor? List Your Business
Our app gives you access to more than just an advertising platform for your business. You also get access to a number of feature to help you manage your events business: mini-accounting package, billing, invoicing, calendar management, etc.
With the pro plan you get Facebook advertising on our page, ability to communicate with clients, and access to BizConnect so that you can link up with other service providers.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, NiftyPlanr App and affilite websites.
We have a number of payment options for your convenience. You need to log into the app or via the website, go to the billing section and add a subscription. Choose the subscription duration, then check out via Ecocash/PayNow.
Yes. An active subscription is valid for a full calendar month. You can cancel your subscription but the subscription fee for the running month is not refunadable. Terms & Conditions apply.
Log into your account and see under Billing.